
Allison Arnold Breaks 19 Year Old 1650 Record to Open Masters Nationals

Masters Nationals opened today with the two longest distance events- the 1000 and 1650 freestyles.

Allison Arnold set a new Masters National Record in the 1650 freestyle for the 18-24 year old age group, when she finished in 17:27.91. The old record was a 17:31.70, set in 1987. Arnold earlier won the 1000 in 11:04.85.

Adrienne Bicek touched first in the 25-29 age bracket in the 1000 in 10:34.38. In the 30-34 year old age group, Allison Cox emerged victorious with a final time of 11:07.29. Ashley Whitney stopped the clock at 10:55.87 to win the 35-39 year old age group. Stacey Bruce also snuck under 11 minutes, posting a 10:56.45 to win the 40-44 year old age group. Bruce later won the 1650 in 18:07.77.

The winner of the 45-49 division was Heidi Williams in 11:40.08. Robin Klestinec touched at 11:10.93 to win in the 50-54 year old group. Marguerite Meyer topped the 55-59 division in 12:01.30, and later won the 1650 in 20:04.11. In the 60-64 year old’s category, Karen Einsidler finished first in 12:19.12 in the 1000 and in 20:22.96 in the 1650.

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