
Benefits of swimming

Swimming is an exercise for people of all ages. It can be easy and inexpensive, and a person can go at their own pace. Swimming helps a person to get or stay in shape, but the benefits also extend to mental health.

People who are 19 to 64 years old should get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week. Younger children should be physically active as well.

It is important to incorporate strength training exercises into any routine, to keep muscles strong and flexible. As health permits, this should be continued for as long as possible throughout life.

A person may choose swimming over another form of exercise for a range of reasons. It gives the body a thorough workout and has many advantages for people of all ages and levels of fitness.

. A whole-body workout

Swimming can increase the heart rate, tone muscles, and manage weight.

Swimming engages almost every major muscle group, requiring a person to use their arms, legs, torso, and stomach.

Swimming also:

  • increases the heart rate without putting stress on the body
  • improves strength
  • tones muscles
  • enhances fitness
  • helps to manage weight


A great skill to have

The benefits of learning to swim safely and confidently can extend beyond mental and physical fitness. In some cases, it may even be lifesaving.

Good for people with injuries

Having an injury or conditions, such as arthritis, can make it difficult to do high-impact exercise.

Because water gently supports the muscles, swimming is preferred by many who are unable to take part in high-impact, high-resistance exercises.

Good for people with disabilities

A physical disability, such as paraplegia, can limit workout options.

Because water provides resistance and support, many people find that swimming is an ideal option.

Because swimming can boost confidence and improve social skills, it may benefit people with mental disabilities.

Suitable for all ages and fitness levels

Some types of exercise may be challenging for people who are new or feel very unfit.

However, swimming allows a person to go at their own pace, and it can be inviting for newcomers.

A person can learn to swim at a very young age, and most swimming pools have a designated area for beginners and people who prefer to swim slowly.

Burning calories

Swimming is an excellent way to burn calories. The amount burned depends on a person’s weight and how vigorously they swim.

Use this calories calculator to determine how many calories are burned while working out.


Building cardiovascular strength

Cardiovascular exercise, often referred to as cardio, involves the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. A thorough workout routine, such as one that features swimming, will include this type of exercise.

Research suggests that swimmers have half the mortality rate of inactive people. A study from 2016 indicates that swimming can help to lower blood pressure and control blood sugar levels.

Variety and fun

People tend to get bored with repetitive exercise, but there are many ways to keep swimming interesting.

There are several strokes to master and flotation aids to try. Also, classes in water aerobics and polo, as well as racing and diving, can help to add variety.

Safe during pregnancy

Swimming is recommended for people who are pregnant.

Swimming is a recommended form of exercise for pregnant people.

Added weight can cause joint and muscle pain during pregnancy.

Swimming is especially popular with pregnant people because the water can support this weight.

This helps to feel more comfortable while staying fit.

It is always a good idea to consult a doctor when undertaking a new form of activity during pregnancy.


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